Tim Breaux, John Pototschnik, Andy Thomas, American Heritage Art Gallery


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New painting by John Pototschnik. Lunch Along the Riverwalk ...

Edward Hopper was born on this date, July 22nd, 1882. Considered by many...

John Quincy Adams was born on this date, July 11th, 1767. He was...

Diego Velázquez, baptized on June 6, 1599, was a Spanish painter of kings ...

Mary Stevenson Cassatt was born on May 22, 1844 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. At fifteen she began...

On May 1, 1855 Eliza Cecilia Beaux was born in Philadelphia...

On April 15th, 1889 Thomas Hart Benton was born in Neosho, Missouri...

Charles Willson Peale was born on this date, April 15th, 1741. At the age of ...

Thomas Jefferson was born on this date, April 13th, 1743...

The Naturalism movement swept through Europe and lasted for only a brief 20 years...

New painting by Andy Thomas. Life is busy and many times ...

Jean-Antoine Houdon (Hu-don) was born on this date, March 20th, 1741. Why is this French sculptor important?...

New painting by Tim Breaux. I found this scene above Santa Fe in a steep area called Big Tesuque...

See the new painting by John Pototschnik called "Day's End"...

Rosa Bonheau (Boone-nah) was born on this date, March 16th, in 1822. She was a French painter...

Benjamin West died on this date, March 11, in 1820. He was barely ....

Vision - Everything we see with our eyes, hear, touch, taste, and smell were first...

Western Art can’t be discussed without referencing Charles Marion Russell also known as Charlie Russell....

Our own artist, Andy Thomas, will be participating in the CM Russell Auction March 14-16, 2024 in Great Falls, Montana.

"Russell's Last Ride" — at The CM Russell Museum

I first heard the term “Naturalism” in 1987 when ...

We at the American Heritage Art Gallery are very pleased to announce our official opening and new website.

Offering a unique online fine art experience suitable for our time, our artists create high quality representational art that depicts America's heritage, its land and its people...all that made her great.